Natural Sleep Apnea Solutions

Learn How to Treat Sleep Apnea with Natural Remedies

Sometimes apneic patients can be treated with simple sleep apnea solutions such as exercise and dietary changes, but in addition there is a range of therapies that may help.

If you have sleep apnea then is very probably to search for different sleep apnea solutions, and especially the solutions that can be applied at home.

For immediate and effective treatment, you may want to listen to your doctor advice, and follow the sleep apnea treatment recommended from the analysis of your sleep study results.

From the beginning of humankind we searched for the most simple and natural treatment for a disease, but it wasn't always easy. And sleep apnea is no exception.

Sometimes apneic patients can be treated with simple sleep apnea solutions such as exercise and dietary changes, but in addition there is a range of therapies that may help.

The following sleep apnea solutions can make a big improvement in your sleep quality and daytime activity.

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So, if you have symptoms of sleep apnea such as:

  • breathing during sleep is interrupted for 10 second or more at least five times an hour.
  • sleep is restless and not refreshing.
  • loud snoring.
  • sleepiness during the day.
  • morning headaches.
  • depression and anxiety.

...or you have predisposing factors, such as:

  • being overweight
  • being male, especially between 40 and 60 years of age
  • drinking alcohol
  • smoking

then you might benefit from the following solutions for sleep apnea:

1. Preventive Solutions for Sleep Apnea:

Preventive Sleep Apnea Solutions

Alcohol - avoid drinking alcohol.

Tea, coffe and cola - avoid drinking large amounts of tea, coffe and cola in either the afternoon or the evening.

Smoking - give up smoking, because nicotine is a stimulant than can keep you awake, and also relaxes the neck muscles.

Large meals - do not eat large meals late in the evening, because you won't have time to digest the food.

Exercises - if you can to take plenty of regular exercises, then do not hesitate. However, avoid exercises in the evening as this can overstimulate.

Schedule - go to bed at the same time each nigh and wind down first by listening to music or soaking in a warm bath.

Bedroom - keep your bedroom for sleeping rather that eating, watching TV, reading, etc.

Avoid light - invest in heavy curtains, blackout blinds or an eyemask if early light bothers you.

Yoga - practice yoga exercises.

2. Bodywork and Movement as Sleep Apnea Solutions

Moderate exercise - exercise, if taken regularly, may be useful for those with sleep apnea (for weight loss) and other sleep disorders.

If your main cause of obstructive sleep apnea is obesity, these yoga exercises for weight loss can be very helpful:

Moderate Exercises Useful for Sleep Apnea

Yoga for sleep apnea - practising yoga may help sleep apnea and insomnia.

A study in 2000 showed that practising yoga meditation and breathing techniques effectively increases the levels in the body of melatonin, a hormone that assists in normalising sleep patterns.

The next video will show you yoga exercises for snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnea:

Yoga Exercises Useful for Sleep Apnea

3. Positional therapy

Positional therapy has been repeatedly demonstrated to be the most effective home remedy for positional sleep apnea.

If positional therapy is combined with sleep hygiene, yoga exercises for breathing and weight loss, playing didgeridoo, acupuncture for sleep apnea, and keeping a sleep log, can be a powerful alternative treatment for sleep apnea.

4. Acupuncture for sleep apnea

Acupuncture is one of the new sleep apnea solutions, although there are only a small number of clinical trials for this sleep disorder.

A traditional Chinese doctor would make a specific diagnosis, and then therapy and treatment may be needed over a prolonged period.

In practice, acupuncture can sometimes give immediate relief from sleep disorders and may have a long term beneficial effect, making it a useful means of prevention. Some improvement should be observed after six to eight weakly sesions.

5. Conventional Sleep Apnea Solutions

Sometimes the preventive solutions are not so effective. So there may be a serious case of sleep disorder, or an underlying disorder. Counselling may be appropriate to help resolve issues that are troubling you.

  • Treating the underlying disorder - if sleeping problems are persistent, it may be worth seeing a doctor, who will discuss your symptoms with you to look for evidence of an underlying cause.
  • Investigations can be arranged if necessary. For example, if sleep apnea is suspected, a sleep study may be performed, in which breathing, heart rate and blood oxygen levels are monitored during sleep.

  • Sleeping tablets
  • do not treat the cause of the sleep disorder but may be prescribed occasionally to help restore a normal sleep pattern.

    Benzodiazepines may be prescribed, but only on a short-term basis as they are addictive.

    Your doctor may also prescribe other sleeping tablets, such as zopiclone and zolpidem, which do not last as long in the body. However, they may also be associated with dependency.

    Note: Sleeping tablets can affect the ability to drive. These effects can last until the next day and are made worse by drinking alcohol, disrupting the natural circadian rhythms.

    Sleeping pills may cause other side effects, so you better ask your doctor to explain these to you.

    You can learn more abou sleep apnea medication here.

6. Homeopathy sleep apnea solutions

There are a number of homeopathic remedies available for sleeping disorders, such as:

  • Rhus toxicodendron and lachesis - medicines for unrefreshing sleep, when the person feels he has "tossed and turned all night".The lachesis patients may complain of "waking feeling more tired than they went to bed", waking feeling wretched, often with a left-sided headache. These patients sometimes wake with a jerk, just as they are dropping off to sleep.
  • Nux moschata - is a useful medicine for attacks of overpowering drowsiness during the day. An unusual feature of the people who respond to this medicine is an extreme dryness of the mouth.

7. Herbal sleep apnea solutions

Herbal medicines are used worldwide for sleep disorders and can be a safe, effective and non-addictive solution to the problem. However, herbs are less likely to help moderate and severe sleep disorders, though there is still scope for them.

Most commonly available herbal remedies for sleep disorders can be safely used at home. But if the self-medication proves ineffective, seek professional advice.

  • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) - has a long history of use for sleep disorders, proving especially useful when nervous overactivity and anxiety are factors. It has been fairly well researched and is extremely safe.Clinical studies indicate that extracts improve sleep quality and increase the time spent in deeper sleep.

  • St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) - combined with Valerian can treat sleep disturbances that are linked with depression, which typically results in poor quality of sleep and early morning waking.

Note: do not take St John's wort with antidepressants, antibiotics or warfarin. My advice is to consult a medical herbalist and your doctor first.

If you want to learn more about natural sleep apnea solutions click here.

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