Life with unknow disorder that now has a name: Sleep Apnea.

by Marcia DeGraff
(Florida, USA)

Im a mom of 2 beautiful girls. Married to a great man.
My daughters are 12 and 8 yrs of age.

I just got diagnosed with sleep apnea 3 weeks ago. And the only reason for this to have happened now at my age is because I got tired of being elbowed by my husband and tossing around all night.

I have woken myself up with my own snore. Spend hours looking at the clock waking up every hour through the night.

So, after talking to my primary doctor, she told me about this sleep study... It wasnt very confortable but, it gave me the answer of why I have trouble with concentrating, why Im so tired ALL THE TIME, with my memory.. who knows, maybe my wight gain, and blood pressure is to be blammed as well.

I suffered my entire school life, got held back on 5th grade for failing... and I would try hard studying... staying up all night studying... but, when the test was right there on my desk, I started to sweat cold, and a total blank came to mind...and I literally, PASS OUT.

Cant even count on my hands how many times, I woke up at the nurse's office... my older brother was standing there to come pick me up. I have always thought I wasnt smart enough... when I knew, I wasnt dumb.

I know my parents had no idea about such a disorder...and if they did, they would have seeked help for me.

I think if I had had been diagnosed with this back then, my life would have been so different. My self steem wouldnt have been such an issue. And my grades, would have been much better.

Today as a mother of 2, I try my best to be informed of all I can, if they are struggling with something, I will try to help them to find a solution. No matter what it is.

I watch tv shows that I can learn from. Reading has never been my "thing" I struggled with since I was 9 yrs of age.

So, I usually, go for things I can watch. I can compreehend easier.

But, if the book has alot of educational information, I will read it. It just may take a longer time since, I have trouble with compreehending the first time I read it, and also being English isnt my first language, makes it a bit more difficult too.

The point is... if you think something is wrong but, you cant figure it out what could be... talk to people, find a doctor who maybe knowledgble and could lead you to the solution in time and keep you from living a life of so much difficulties that can be prevented.

I am so excited to pick my mask, my machine and FINALLY, get some REST. Im so tired of being TIRED. I want to have energy to keep up with my kids...enjoy life... LIVE.

I have even made my Dad, who has insomia, be curious about this sleep test which he had been asked to do it before and never did it.

A cousin of mine, also got interested once he asked me my symptoms and realized he has the same issues...

Im so glad I was the first one in my family to discover this and have my family members going after it too... even if they dont have APNEA, the sleep study will help.

That is my story. And hopefully, it will help you.


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Jul 11, 2012
Zoombie NO MORE !
by: Anonymous

Once you know you have this disorder and start to use the CPAP machine, you can say NOW, you start living- or better said: sleeping---because until then, you were more like a zoobie.

Jul 11, 2012
Sleep Apnea
by: Betty Bussey

So happy that you can start living again! Great story

Jul 12, 2012
Great discovery
by: Anonymous

Good for you for finding a solution to your sleeping problem. I am 100% positive that my late mother had sleep apnea because of her extremely loud snoring problem. Sleep studies were not the norm 10 years ago. Thank goodness my sleep apnea was diagnosed and I, too, am experiencing an improved quality of life. I used to be embarrassed about it, but now I am proud to have found the solution!

Dec 27, 2013
Over 1 year later
by: Marcia DeGraff

Im still struggling with this disorder. I changed masks over 4 times... in the beginning it seems to work but, after a month... I continued my struggles. I cant sleep with the tube/and mask. I move around a lot...and the tube only gives me a short length... the nose mask starts to bother after 3 hours... and Im left as I started... not getting enough sleep.

I have been told about a surgery but, it is not a guarantee it will cure me... so, Im not going under the knife if there's no certainty.

I hope one day soon I can find a solution. I need to rest - have a full night of sleep like any normal function ... I get easily irritated and stressed and it is due of the lack of sleep...

But most of all, I hope I can keep living as normal as possible eventhough, I don't get enough rest at night... I have 2 daughter to look after and my loving husband... I want to live for a very long time ... but Sleep Apnea causes me to worry every night...

If anyone has any idea or suggestion, Im opened to it...

Thank you !

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