I don't need the CPAP anymore

by Pat

Hi, just want to let you all know I was able to go from a diagnosis of moderate sleep apnea (26 incidents/hour) 2 years ago to mild (9 incidents) currently. My doctor says that doesn't require using a CPAP as long as I'm able to sleep on my side most of the time, which I'm able to do.

I'm a 58 year old female who weighed 156lbs when I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. What I did in the past 2 years:

1. Lost about 12 lbs - that was probably the thing that helped the most
2. Went from brisk walking to barefoot running
3. Play the didgeridoo - not sure how much this helps as I'm not sure I play it enough but it might help a little
4. Tried Buteyko breathing - I progressed with this somewhat but not sure if it was enough. However, I now focus on only breathing through my nose even when doing vigorous exercise and was taping my mouth shut when I used the CPAP.

Hope this gives some of you hope. I know losing weight is difficult but I think it really helped, even though I wasn't significantly overweight.

Best, Pat

I hope it helps. Don't be afraid to comment back.

Remy Thierry
Founder of Sleep Apnea Guide

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Mar 04, 2012
Pat. Is this really a true story??
by: Julie

I am so excited! This is so inspiring. I am 49 and only weight 140 but I can tell if lose about 12 lbs it would help me too!
Thanks for inspiring me!

Apr 29, 2012
Great News For You
by: Kath Hope

It's lovely to hear when people are cured of sleep apnoea, as it's rare. However, I started a blog recently which attracted another lady to comment who'd lost 15 stone and is cured. You can read it here http://www.sleepapnoeablog.com/obesity-weight-problems/

I also had another customer of Hope2Sleep who was able to come off CPAP. He had mild sleep apnoea, but it was caused through the medication he was on.

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