Snoring with CPAP machine

by Snore

Should you snore with cpap machine? I only have had the machine for 3 days. I do have problems with allergy. My husband notices that I still snore but I haven't quit breathing. Should I be concerned?


Snoring while using the CPAP machine and mask is not normal for any patient with sleep apnea. CPAP is supposed to prevent snoring and apnea episodes.

If snoring occurs while using the CPAP, then two things can cause this problem:

  • the air pressure from your machine is too low,

  • or you have mask leaks, where you lose pressure during sleep.

In either case, you should speak with your sleep doctor that you are still snoring. They will need to look at your data to see if the pressure is adequate enough.

I hope it helps. Don't be afraid to comment back.

Remy Thierry
Founder of Sleep Apnea Guide

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Jul 06, 2011
sleep apnea
by: Cpap machine

Mask leak may be one of the reasons why you snore just like my husband. Any way thanks for the share.

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